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Halloween Swiss Rolls

Halloween Swiss Rolls

Lee Fisher

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Let's do the monster roll with this Halloween take on the classic swiss roll


•    1kg Macphie Sponge Mix
•    550g water
•    Various food colours
•    Macphie Mactop® Extra


•   Place the Macphie Sponge Mix into a mixing bowl with the water, whisk on a low speed for 1 minute, then on a high speed for 10 minutes. (note Macphie Mac-a-Cake can also be used). 
•    Divide the mix up and add colours as desired.
•    Pour the mixture into silicone moulds.
•    Chill and allow to set.Deposit on a 75cm x 75cm  as desired for your own design at 250°C for 5-7 minutes.
•    Allow to cool whilst covered with a towel.
•    Whip the Macphie Mactop® Extra to 3 times its volume and add any flavours you would like.

•    Spread the Macphie Mactop® Extra over the sponge and roll up tightly, allow to set up.

Halloween Swiss Roll

Recipe courtesy of Macphie

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