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News from BFP View all
BFP good causes: A time to change hunger.
Launching our campaign to reduce food waste from our business and help those truly in need. BFP launch #bfpgoodcauses to help the homeless and people who are struggling to feed themselves.
Rising to the occasion: A new era for BFP
We’ve been busy bees recently, working away in the background and undertaking a fundamental review of every aspect of our business. We’ve appointed a new management team, made several significant investments and today we’re delighted to be revealing our new look and new website.
Dough. Our way of saying 'thank you'
We’ve recently turbo-charged our rewards programme so we thought it was also time to give it a lick of paint and a new name. So without further ado, we’re delighted to introduce ‘Dough’. It’s our way of saying thank you to people like you who work with dough, by giving you some dough (the money kind, not the bready kind of course).
BFP becomes a Silver Supporter of the Craft Baker's Association (CBA)
BFP may have been serving bakers since 1932, but we're a spring chicken compared to theCraft Baker's Association(CBA) who have been there for bakers since 1887.
BFP opens new 73,000 sqft depot in Daventry
We're delighted to announce another big investment in our service commitment to customers today with the opening of BFP's new multi-million-pound, purpose-built depot in Daventry, Northamptonshire.
BFP expands Lewes depot with chillers and freezers
BFP opened its fourth UK depot in Lewes, East Sussex, in July 2019 to serve bakers across the South of England. A year on and we’re growing again with the addition of two freezers and a chilled storage unit on the site. For you our customers, this means a wider range and greater product availability.
The business of baking View all
Trends 2024 & Innovations
We discuss some trends in 2024 and how we are attempting to give our bakers solutions to trends whilst keeping it simple.
The bakery supply chain
Becky Webster from BFP purchasing discusses maintaining the supply chain in Bakery.
Your window to the world.
Having a strong online presence is a fantastic way to secure and grow your bakery business.
Head of marketplaces for BFP discusses the internet and the bakery business.
Advantages and benefits of dry yeast.
Here at BFP we have introduced a new brand of Dry Yeast. Discover the Advantages and benefits of dry yeast and how it can help our bakers.
Helping the local baker achieve more sales
very business wants more business, and you know fine well that the quality and price of your product are just a part of your overall success or failure. As a local baker, you strive to make the tastiest and most appealing products possible, and you know...
Make some dough - Different routes to market for bakers
We discuss a few other routes to the bakery market. Let's try and open up some new doors together.
Five mega trends impacting the bakery industry
Every bakery industry commentator has their own take on it, but most would agree that there are five inter-linked mega-trends driving changes in the bakery sector. Bakers need to adapt to and embrace these trends if they're to thrive.
Sourdough September
Discussing Sourdough September and the Real Bread Project. How do you market your Sourdough to the general public?
BFP supports the artisan baker and the continued growth of bringing back traditional baking to the UK market.
British Pudding Day
What is British Pudding Day? And what are the classic British Puddings we all love? Discover more with our blog article
Ingredients and innovations View all
Blondie cake with Peanut Butter
An easy to make cake with the best peanut butter filling. Trust us, we sampled this and it's amazing!
An easy route to doughnuts with a wow! Factor
There’s nothing like baking doughnuts from scratch. You put your own unique signature on them, you bask in the smells as they’re prepped and you get the satisfaction of seeing customers enjoy your creations.
Egg-citing Easter ideas
Pimp up your buns and dec out your doughnuts, ‘Hatch’ some new ideas this Easter with some egg-citing new twists on traditional favourites.
Colour is the key to Easter 2022
Easter is all about indulgence. After 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and denying yourself the pleasure of a favourite foodstuff or tipple, this important period in the Christian calendar offers a green light to enjoy some of life’s culinary pleasures. And that, of course, includes cake – and lots of it!
The lowdown on flour
Flour is a baker’s workhorse. It’s a staple of the bakery and fundamental to most baked goods. And with the UK bakery industry making 12 million loaves of bread and 10 million cakes and biscuits every day, we’d be lost without it (source: UK Flour Millers).