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Monster cookies

Monster cookies

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Try making this simple, easy and fun recipe this Halloween. The kids will love them and they taste delicious too.


1000g Dawn Foods prairie vanilla cookie base

Dawn Foods vanilla frosting

150g softened butter or margarine

60g water

150g chocolate chips

Food colourings by choice

mini marshmallows

sugar eyes


Add the prairie vanilla cookie base and the butter or margarine to a mixing bowl fitted with a beater and mix on slow speed for 3 minutes. 

Add the water and continue to mix on slow speed until a soft dough has formed. 

Add the chocolate chips and blend in on slow speed. 

Form the dough into 60g pucks.

Bake in a rack oven at 150°C for 10-12 minutes.



While the cookies are cooling, make up some bright coloured frostings using the vanilla frosting and various food colourings, then place them into piping bags. 

Cut each cookie in half and sandwich the 2 halves together using one of the coloured frostings. 

Place mini marshmallows into the frosting at different angles to represent crooked teeth. 

Pipe 2 bulbs of a different colour frosting on top of the cookie and decorate with sugar eyes.

Recipe courtesy of Dawn Foods

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